European projects

The cluster is an active partner in a number of European structural projects: 


A program to support the digital transformation of companies in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté.

Awarded the EDIH - European Digital Innovation Hubs Network - label by the European Commission as one of 227 European hubs, DEDIHCATED BFC aims to support the digital transition of industrial companies, with a view to competitiveness and ecological transition, on the following priority themes: digital twin - AI - cybersecurity.
A consortium of 13 partners, all experts in digital matters and according to their themes, are working together on this project, coordinated by the Pôle Véhicule du Futur.
Contact: Noémie Dieumegard

DEDIHCATED BFC runs for 3 years (01/12/2022-30/11/2025). Double European funding from the European Commission, DG CONNECT (1.8 M€) and FEDER Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (1.5 M€) for a total budget of 3.7 M€.

RESIST Euroclusters

Launched by 5 European clusters, the Euroclusters RESIST project supports the automotive, transport and mobility ecosystem.
It aims to help SMEs in their green and digital transition process, and to increase their level of resilience in the face of future challenges.
SMEs will benefit from access to key information and studies focusing on the analysis of future challenges, opportunities, needs, etc., as well as meetings with partners from other ecosystems. It will enable €1 million in cascade funding to be mobilized for companies.

It is coordinated by the Pôle Véhicule du Futur. Project ended in february'25


H2MA aims to coordinate and accelerate the transnational deployment of a green hydrogen infrastructure for transport and mobility in the Alpine region.
It brings together 11 partners from the 5 European Union countries of the Alpine Space, including the Eurometropole of Strasbourg. Our cluster is a partner.
Contact: David Richard-Molard


H2Excellence aims to create a platform of professional centers of excellence by setting up ecosystems of skills, knowledge and research for innovation, regional development, smart specialization and public support for green hydrogen technologies. It brings together 23 European partners, including the cluster.
Contact: Mehmet Birsen

Green SkHy

Green SkHy aims to develop hydrogen skills in Germany, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Switzerland. This project will support the development of a key sector for the energy transition. It brings together 17 partners from 6 countries, including the Pôle.
Contact: Mehmet Birsen

Completed European projects

e-SMART project

e-SMART stands for e-mobility SMART grid for passengers and last mile freight transport in the Alpine Space.

Objective: to define a set of operational tools to plan and roll out charging networks for the electrification of public passenger transport and last mile logistics, based on a "smart grid" approach. 

The cluster's role

Our cluster is in charge of the "Smart Living lab" work package, which aims to set up a transnational network of regional hubs to identify and disseminate good practices on the dual issues of electric mobility and smart grids.

More about e-SMART

PAE project

The PAE European automotive cluster project is intended to give a new impetus to the automotive industry in the Greater Region.

The cluster's role

Our cluster is in charge of communication on the project, including the organisation of the Forum and the related webinars.

More about PAE

EACN project

The EACN project for Joint Industrial Modernisation Investments was initiated in 2018 by six European partners, including Vehicle of the Future cluster. The aim is to initiate and stimulate cooperation between the clusters and their members (collaborative R&D projects, joint investments or other business opportunities).
This project has been approved as a "ESCP-S3 - European Strategic Cluster Partnership for smart specialisation investments".


More about the EACN project

e-MOTICON project

e-MOTICON stands for e-MObility Transnational strategy for an Interoperable COmmunity and Networking in the Alpine Space. Promotion of electric mobility with a transnational approach within the Alpine Space.

More about e-MOTICON

  • Les Pôles de compétitivité
  • Qualiopi - Certification qualité délivrée au titre des actions de formation
  • Member of The European Automotive Cluster Network EACN