International partners
The Grand Est and Bourgogne-Franche-Comté are the natural homes of cross-border trade and have always been at the forefront of industrial adventures in the field of land transport.
Thanks to this background, Vehicle of the Future cluster has naturally developed relations with other European automotive clusters. Just how dynamic these relations are can be seen in the number of projects benefiting from European funding.
German partner clusters
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EACN network
30 European clusters in synergy
In January 2021, 18 European clusters came together to launch the EACN - European Automotive Cluster Network. 12 more joined since.
These clusters are active in the automotive, transport and mobility fields and each of them brings together the industrial, academic and institutional actors in its country or region.
- President: Bruno Grandjean, General Director of Pôle Véhicule du Futur
- General Secretary: Thomas Röhr
- To boost the competitiveness of the European automotive industry
- To increase collaboration between the clusters and their members
- To stimulate innovation projects and boost the members' business
Working groups
In order to respond to the developments in the mobility market and the modernisation of production plants, five working groups have been set up:
- Plant modernisation, Industry 4.0 and digital transformation
- Supply chain
- Training and skills
- Clean, connected autonomous vehicles
- Mobility