DINAMHySE, hydrogen in the Grand Est

The aim of the DINAMHySE* project launched in 2019 is to drive and accelerate the development of an industrial hydrogen sector in the Grand Est region, covering the entire value chain from production to the different uses: mobility, buildings, RE storage etc., and to make hydrogen part of the energy transition. 

DINAMHySE is financed by ADEME as part of CLIMAXION, with financial support from the Grand Est Region:

Does your activity fit into the value chain? Do you have a project that involves hydrogen? Do you want to find out more about how this new sector is being structured? 
Your contact: Jacques Haenn, Grand Est Hydrogen sector mission leader.
jh@vehiculedufutur.com – +33 (0)6 03 15 75 43

Regional Delegate 


Members of DINAMHySE consortium


The Grand Est Hydrogen Club

Created by the DINAMHySE consortium, the Grand Est Hydrogen Club was launched in March 2019.

Its aim is to foster a regional ecosystem and provide a service offering relevant to the private and public actors involved at any stage of the value chain: from production through to the different uses.

With links to the various national and international networks, such as France Hydrogène and Hydrogen Europe, the Grand Est Hydrogen Club is a forum for exchanges, collaboration, generating innovations and business.

  • Les Pôles de compétitivité
  • Qualiopi - Certification qualité délivrée au titre des actions de formation
  • Member of The European Automotive Cluster Network EACN